Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Please Come To Boston: Take #8 CANCELLED

It had all been planned quite nicely. The very necessary but ever so feared throat reconstruction surgery had been cancelled in favor of a much less invasive treatment, dilation.  This procedure would happen on  on September 6th and require only a one night stay in the ICU if all went well.

The pre-op clearance was scheduled for today. A simple zip to and from Boston. A routine check to make sure that Mando was well enough for surgery, anesthesia, and the likes. Mando has been pre-oped many times before. A synch. What could go wrong.

Yesterday, Mando got sick. Sore throat, congestion, cough...a full blown upper respiratory viral infection.


What are the odds in that I wonder???

I was with Maria yesterday and we decided there was no way he would pass the pre op as sick as he was. I would cancel.  I called today to reschedule. The surgical scheduler is out to Tuesday. The receptionist told me it is a rule that they don't reschedule for at least 6 weeks. That would be October.

I have no belief in coincidences.  I look to Mando and wonder what his little soul is up to now. I trust it is for the good of all.
Illness strikes in time to cancel surgery

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