Monday, August 14, 2017

Do Mando's Feel Pain?

My father, also Normando, called Mando by his mother spent a portion of his life feeling pain for a living. Or did he feel it? As a boxer, he exchanged plenty of punches to his fellow pugilist bout after bout but never said  "ouch".

My mother became suspicious of his ability to endure discomfort, One summer day my father was sitting on the floor watching TV. He had a sunburn. My Mom snuck up behind him and gave him a slap on the back. Sure enough, my Dad finally yelled "OUCH!What did you did you do that for?"

"I was just testing, I thought maybe you didn't have feelings. I guess I was wrong."

I am glad my Dad let her live. So I am here today and so is his namesake, Mando.

Normando Rubio
Today we went to his oncology appointment in Albany a day early. I thought it best to not try to go to this appointment on the same day as Boston. Batman wouldn't let me borrow his car and my broom only seats one.

We started off at the lab. Time to draw the monthly PCR and routine bloodwork. We'll see if the new chemo has budged the BCR-ABLE in the right direction. On this, we pray.

Seldom do we ever have to wait at the lab. Today there was another child ahead of us already with the phlebotomist. The child was screaming and crying and carrying on.

My heart broke for this little guy.  I started to cry. I forget how scary all this must be to kids. Mando makes it all seem so easy.
It's supposed to hurt?

Mando was in shock. It had never occurred to him to react to the various tests and interventions he goes through.

The little guy's parents seem to handle his tears well. Better than I could from the waiting room. I could do all I could to keep myself from running in the room.

Normando Mason
I wonder if it is not an accident but by grand design, we are put together on this journey in life, to compliment one another's strengths and weaknesses.

If so I am grateful for Mando being so strong for me. I couldn't survive if it were any other way.

When I tell him about his strength he says "Well, of course, look who I'm named after."


  1. Mando is a spitting image of his grandfather! Love you guy's continue to stay strong xoxo loving the blog!

    1. I never notice it until I posted these photos next to each other. I always saw in Merc but never Mando. Thanks for posting, Love you too!! xoxoxox

  2. Love the pictures of that little man ! Blessed be the Mandos

  3. That last line...made my heart explode <3
