Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Over the years Mando and I have set out on many road trips... mostly for the purpose of medical appointments.  We used to employ a co-pilot from the family. Now we just use the GPS. Ready. Set. Go.

Yesterday we went to Boston. We were scheduled to meet with Dr. Karen Watters, Pediatric ENT.

This would be our 4th time meeting with Dr. Watters.

Dr. Watters is NOT our first ENT. In fact, she is our 4th.

It has been an EXTREMELY ROUGH ROAD that has led us to this trip.  A long road, with detours and dead ends.

The Search For an Airway Tour has been ongoing for nearly 14 years. The terrain has been bumpy and full of potholes.

Yet Mando endures the travel quite well.

At the outset of every trip, he sleeps until we reach our destination.

With one exception. Mando woke up exactly at 10:00 am to take his chemotherapy. Then he went back to sleep until we arrived in Boston.

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