Thursday, August 17, 2017

Give It a Day

The events in our life require emotional digestion... so to speak.

What happens in the heat of the big moments such as births, deaths, weddings, funerals, baptisms, graduations, reunions, holiday gatherings, and so on and so forth appear a certain way with a particular set of emotional perceptions.

The day following these big moments is a day of reflection. This is where the "digestion" takes place. All the elements of the event mixed together in memory, rehashed, recycled, tumbled through conversation, video and photographs. Over the next 24 hours, the event subdues, emotions settle, and the final recollection is stored for future story telling as "How it truly was..."

I needed a day to reflect on the trip to Boston. I needed to digest it all.

I dared not write so immediately. Initially, I felt like I had been shot out of a pin ball machine.

But why? What was it about this trip that left me feeling so battered? I gave it a day to think about.

This morning I had my answer.

This trip to Boston had a cumulative effect of the entire ordeal, the journey of one year and 2 weeks.  The new developments though not entirely huge in and of them selves were but a piece that sits upon a tower.

Our game of Jenga is getting tall...but it isn't a game is it?

After the day of digestion...and a good night of sleep...I feel renewed strength.

The journey, quite long now, is the same as always,
one day at a time. Today is the day we have, I am ever so grateful for that.

Stay tuned for more about the Boston trip.

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