Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sometimes Even Superman Needs A Little Help

Even Superman Needs A Little Help
While at the Pulmonary Department, one of the requests from the ENT was for the doctor to "Maximize Pulmonary Function". The Pulmonologists reported that this would not be possible given his airway...however what we could try is to include nebulized hypertonic saline treatments to his routine.

Mando was excited to get a new device. His nebulizer at home dated back to his birth and if you want to talk about things that were not optimal, his old nebulizer was one.

So we left Boston, with no testing done, but a new treatment that gave new hope. The doctor cautioned us about some problems we could encounter with these treatments.

Optimally, a high-frequency chest wall oscillation inflatable vest would be recommended, but that would require a CT scan and we did not have one available.

We take what we can and chalk the rest up to a learning experience. A big sigh...NEXT TIME. A  tomorrow filled with follow up calls on how to smooth the communication out between parties.

We try something new in hopes it helps Mando, our Superman
Breathe a little easier.

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